Sunday 14 October 2012


Homemade White Bread with Honey
Homemade White Bread with Honey (Photo credit: TheCulinaryGeek)
"Should not eat" or "Never eat" sounds so final doesn't it?  Well, there is some truth in these words of warning especially if you are not as young as you were say, 20 years ago.

You may be young in the mind and spirit but the physical self may be less durable than you realize.

Your body does not bounce back the way it used to.  For example, when you sprain a muscle, it takes much longer to heal.  Or when you catch a cold, your recovery time may take months when previously it only took weeks for you to get back to your old self again.

You may notice these changes and the reason is because your body becomes less efficient at dealing with an onslaught of bacteria invasion inyour system.  The attacks would be more frequent especially if you don't eat nutritious foods.

In your youth, you may use to short change yourself when it comes to vitamins, minerals and other immunity boosting nutrients and your body is strong enough to cope that you may not even notice it.

But now, when you eat foods that have empty calories, you will more likely feel the effects right away.  You could feel a lack of energy, an onset of fever or just feeling "under the weather."

Bearing that in mind, here are four foods you should never eat.

1. Fried Foods
2. White refined sugars
3. Sodas
4. White bread and white rice

Fried Foods

High in saturated fats and salt which can cause your arteries to clog and increases the bad cholesterol. Change your food choices to more grilled or broiled foods and used a little olive oil which is beneficial than cooking oil.

Overrated Deep Fried Goodness 093009W
Overrated Deep Fried Goodness 093009W (Photo credit: vmiramontes)

White Refined Sugar

Refined white sugar is the main culprit in raining blows to your immunity wall which will eventually cause cracks in the defense system by allowing harmful virus or bacteria to infect your body. 

Sugars (Photo credit: QuintanaRoo)

Substitute white sugar with honey, molasses or maple syrup if you want an occasional taste of sweet.

When you cut out white sugar from your diet, you will notice that your cravings for sweet food will also stop.


Soda drink Photo credit: Wikipedia

Sweetened soft drinks are not only high in sugar, it has additives, artificial colorings as well as preservatives that will expose you to the risk of developing diabetes, heart diseases and obesity.

White Bread and White Rice

Both types are processed foods which does not contain much nutrition that we require when we grow older. Switch to wholegrain breads and brown rice.  For an even healthier choice, try eating bread that is yeast and or gluten free.

English: Bread from India
English: Bread from India (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

T.Pot White Rice
T.Pot White Rice (Photo credit: Calgary Reviews)

Interestingly, researchers have found that when you omit yeast and gluten from your diet, many symptoms and health complaints will miraculously disappear.

My next topic for discussion is, "Makeup Tips for Asian Women."

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