Our body development and maintenance of scar tissue, blood vessels, and cartilage very much depend on the essential nutrient we all know as Vitamin C.
Vitamin C is also important because of its ability to create ATP, dopamine, peptide hormones, and tyrosine. It also possess a powerful antioxidant which can help reduce oxidative stress to our body and is thought to lower canceer risk. The daily value(DV) for vitamin C is 60mg.
Top Ten List of Vitamin C Superfoods
No. 1 Red and Green Hot Chili Peppers
Green and red cubanelle peppers (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Ranked at number one, Chili peppers have the highest source of Vitamin C with:
- 242.5 mg(404% DV) per 100 gm serving.
- Half a cup of chopped chilies will give you 181.88 mg (303% DV).
- A single green chili pepper will provide 109.13 mg (182% DV).
- Red chilies have 144 mg (240% DV) per 100 gm serving.
No 2. Guavas
There are a variety of Guavas. Depending on the type, guavas can provide as much as:
- 228 mg (381% DV) per 100 gm serving.
- Per cup will give you 377 mg (628% DV)
- Per sliced will provide 126 mg (209%)
No. 3 Bell Peppers
Assorted bell pepper fruits from Mexico (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Usually found in pasta sauce and pizzas, the sweet bell peppers packs a high vitamin C punch. The color determines the amount of vitamin C it contains.
- Yellow peppers have the most vitamin C, 184 mg (206% DV) per 100 gm serving.
- Per pepper has 341 mg (569% DV)
- 10 sliced strips has 95 mg (159% DV)
- Green peppers have the least vitamin C, 132 (220% DV) per pepper.
No. 4 Fresh Herbs (Parsley and Thyme)
Fresh herbs are full of vitamins and has health benefits. They are used in almost any soup, stew or in salads.
- Thyme has the highest level of Vitamin C among all the herbs, 160mg (267% DV) per 100 gm serving.
- In a single teaspoon, 1.6mg (3% DV).
- Parsley has 133 mg (222% DV) per 100 gm serving.
- Per cup, Parsley will provide 79 mg (133% DV).
- In 10 sprigs, Parsley will give you 13.3 mg (22% DV)
- Per tablespoon, Parsley has 5mg (9% DV)
No. 5 Dark Leafy Vegetables(Mustard leaves, Kale, Garden Cress)
Edible curly-leaf mustard leaves (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Dark leafy greens are not only a source of calcium. It is full of other vitamins including vitamin C.
- Fresh Kale has the most vitamin C, 120 mg (200% DV) per 100 gm serving.
- Per cup chopped, 80 mg (134% DV).
- Mustard leaves have 70 mg (117% DV) per 100 gm serving.
- Per cup chopped, mustard leaves have 29 mg (65% DV).
- Garden cress has 69 mg (115% DV) per 100 gm serving
- Per cup, garden cress has 35 mg (58% DV).
English: Garden cress.
. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
No 6. Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts
English: Blossoming Broccoli Deutsch: Blühende Broccoli (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Broccoli, cauliflower and brussels sprouts can be lightly steamed and sprinkled with olive oil and a pinch of salt for a healthy diet.
Raw cauliflower can be finely chopped to make a crunchy salad. Add some pine nuts, tomatoes and cilantro for sweetness and color.
Brussel Sprouts Photocredit:Wikipedia |
- Broccoli has 89 mg (149% DV) of vitamin C per 100 gm serving.
- Per cup chopped, broccoli has 81 mg (135% DV).
- Raw cauliflower has lesser vitamin C, 46 mg (77% DV) per cup.
- Raw brussel sprouts have 75 mg (125% DV) per cup.
- Per sprout will give you 16 mg (27% DV) per sprout.
No 7. Kiwi Fruits (Chinese Gooseberries)
Kiwi fruits have a tart flavor that can be eaten raw or added to mak
e a delightful fruit salad or dessert.
- A 100 gm serving will give you 93 mg (155% DV).
- Per cup has 164 mg (273% DV).
- Per fruit will provide 84 mg (141% DV)
No 8. Papayas (aka, Lechoza, Mamao, Pawpaw)
List of Vietnamese ingredients (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Papayas not only possesses vitamin C, it is also a very good source of
vitamin A and folate (vitamin B9).
- Papaya has 62 mg (103% DV) per 100 gm serving.
- Per cup cubed, papaya has 87 mg (144% DV).
- A medium sized papaya will give you 188 mg (313% DV).
No 9. Oranges and Clementines (Tangerines)
Ambersweet oranges, a new cold-resistant orange variety. USDA photo. Image Number K3644-12. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Not only the pulp of oranges and citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, their zest
or the shavings of their peel does too.
- Oranges will provide 59 mg (99% DV) per 100 gm serving.
- Per cup has 98 mg (163% DV).
- One orange fruit will give you 83 mg (138% DV).
- Clementines or tangerines have 49 mg (81% DV) per 100 gm serving.
- Per fruit, tangerines have 36 mg (60% DV).
No 10. Strawberries
Strawberries are not only good to look at but are so delicious and juicy. They make a tasty edition to desserts or smoothies.
- Strawberries have 59 mg (98% DV) per 100 gm serving.
- Per cup slices have 98 mg (163% DV)
- A single large strawberry will give you 11 mg (18% DV).
So, by choosing to take any one of the above superfoods, you will get more than enough vitamin C to see you through the day. Remember that whatever in excess will be expelled from your body through the urine as our body will only use what it requires and moreover, Vitamin C cannot be stored.
If you do not favor vegetables to get your daily intake of vitamin C, perhaps you can find the food that is to your liking in my next topic, "More Natural Foods Containing Vitamin C."
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